Print: GALORE - The interview magazineThomas Middelhoff talks to GALORE about his failure, about power and greed, guilt and penance. The 36th issue contains the interview....
Print: Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungIn an interview with the FAZ, Thomas Middelhoff asks questions about his crash and new beginning.
Print: WORLDOn August 20th, 2019, WELT reported on the book launch of "Schuldig." and a Thomas Middelhoff, who openly addresses his moral failure....
Print: Southwest PressThomas Middelhoff describes his way out of the crisis to the Südwest Presse.
Print: Badische ZeitungAn interview with the Badische Zeitung,Thomas Middelhoff tells how he lost his fortune and yet gained so much....
Print: Augsburger AllgemeineIn an interview with the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung on September 16, 2019, he explains why self-criticism is an important part of...